Your gift helps thousands of patients served by Lincoln Community Health Center. image

Your gift helps thousands of patients served by Lincoln Community Health Center.

Help us enhance the quality of health and improve access to healthcare in Durham and surrounding areas.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Join us to help support Lincoln Community Health Center

We are in uncertain times, and funding for community health centers can be unpredictable. The Foundation welcomes financial support from business, private philanthropy, and the general public. The Foundation makes an annual contribution to Lincoln Community Health Center. Your donation provides needed supplies and equipment, including diabetes supplies that monitor blood sugar levels; assistive technology devices to promote mobility, independence and self-sufficiency; supplies and equipment for supportive healthcare needs; diagnostic equipment for patient treatment; as well as support for new and innovative programs including hypertension screening and parenting groups for new mothers. Since 2008 the Foundation has returned over $300,000 to Lincoln Community Health Center.